Have a spook-tacular, boo-tiful, wooo-nderful, and fang-tastic Halloween!
Here are a few ideas to try this year instead of trick or treating;
Prepare a Halloween-themed meal or treat
Enjoy a scary movie
Set-up a scavenger hunt around your house for treats
Organize a virtual costume or pumpkin carving contest.
Go for a evening drive to check out the spooky decorations in your neighbourhood.
Visit a haunted drive thru, follow link for a map https://bit.ly/2HHD7kI
Virtual Tour: Myths and Legends of Transylvania, Romania
This Halloween join our Romanian tour guide Georgiana for a virtual tour presentation of Romania's most mysterious region, Transylvania, as we explore its myths and legends, deeply rooted in the origin of this place and its people.
THURS 5- 6:30 PM
Toronto’s Haunted Drive-Thru
The HAUNTED Drive-Thru is an immersive Halloween experience where guests drive through different themed areas including a Graveyard, Giant Kraken, a Haunted Pumpkin Patch, Haunted Movie Studio and much more.
176 Cherry Street
Code Ninjas Virtual Roblox Trick & Treat
Don’t let Covid-19 get in the way of making some GREAT memories this year!
This Halloween join us for some digital trick or treating fun! Join a custom built Roblox game where kids can dress up and search for Candy! Kids can join in for FREE!
SAT 2-4 PM
Halloween Drag Shows
Transformed South West corner of Bathurst & Richmond into a Licensed cozy social distance OUTDOOR food & wine bar POP UP experience with a pumpkin patch vibe Located in the middle of the city.
FRI & SAT 7:30 PM
621 Richmond St, Toronto
One of a Kind Online
The One of Kind Show is excited to launch their first ever digital Show. One Of A Kind Online will connect you with 700+ Canadian makers from across Canada so you can continue to shop your favourite small businesses this holiday!
Sign up today
Visit the Last Outdoor Markets of the Season
Leslieville Farmers’ Market
SUN 9AM- 1:30PM
St. Lawrence Farmers’ Market
SAT 5 AM - 3 PM
Saturday Farmers Market at Evergreen Brick Works
And as always continue to #staysafe and #wearamask
