Put your hand up if you miss travelling. I can't wait for the first trip I take after this pandemic. In the meantime, here are a few ideas to quench your wanderlust.
Book an Airbnb Online Experience
Find unique activities led by one-of-a-kind hosts—all without leaving home. From cooking with a Moroccan family to meditation with a Japanese buddhist monk, there are tons of interesting experiences to choose from.
Tour the World
This Google Earth jaunt takes you on a trip around the world. Have a gander at Stonehenge, the Taj Mahal, the Great Sphinx, and more than two dozen other majestic sites. Check out 30 World Heritage Sites all in one sitting: http://bit.ly/2NyOgHa
And make it a happy hour trip with these international cocktail recipes.
Better yet look local and have the cocktails delivered!
Update your bucket list and plan your next trip!
You can use this opportunity of having more free time in order to update your bucket list with some new and exciting travel destinations.
Learn a new language
If you feel motivated enough & have the time, why not start learning a new language so by the time you visit your destination you will have at least mastered the basics.
Other things to do this weekend:
Hot Docs Podcast Festival
Hot Docs Podcast Festival celebrates the visceral power of audio storytelling and explore how the innovative medium continues to thrive in our new socially distanced reality. Featuring a dynamic mix of specially curated live conversations and on-demand sessions, this year’s Podcast Festival will dive into the creative process of today’s chart-topping podcasters, revealing how they use the medium to tell the complex and layered stories impacting us today.
DesignTO, formerly the Toronto Design Offsite Festival, brings you 10 days filled with immersive installations, fantastic exhibitions, engaging talks, and more design and art than ever before.
January 22–31, 2021
Saturday Farmers Market at Evergreen Brick Works
Evergreen's Saturday Farmers Market runs year-round, connecting people in Toronto to local Ontario farmers and producers.
And as always continue to #staysafe and #wearamask
